Best Quality Products
First Priority to
We are committed to continuous improvement in our products to ensure that our customers get the finest quality.
40000+ Distributors
1M+ Distributors
About Us
The company was found in 2011 by Mr. Shafeeq Ibrahim as a prominent retailer of spices and supply door to door.
The business was incorporated into a company in year 2015 with its registered office at Bhilai.
Factories in Bhilai and jawrashirsa,
The success of Supreme can be attributed to the following: Excellent Quality products,
Strong resources & Marketing Network, Continuous market analysis and Survey of customer needs,
Standardization & up gradation of products as per standards.
The company is currently setting up new milestone by supplying its products to all location of India.
Apart from purest ground spices we also produce specially formulated spice blends
and also assortments blend that includes grounded and whole spices for decade.
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